Are you ready for your professional future? Are you ready for the workforce? Join us for our RU Ready Mini-Workshop Series where we will be providing a professional development series for youth and new workers on Resume Writing and Application assistance.
The Resume Writing Mini-Workshop series will be two 90min workshops that will be for high school students wanted to complete any job application or MedSTEM Internship program application. We will be going over the Top 3 Must-Dos for a youth worker creating a resume (i.e. resume format, heading statement, etc.). After the session, students will be able to work one-on-one with a Rush Professional to go over their resumes in the RU Ready Writing and Study Center.
The Application Assistance Mini-Workshop is a Q&A Workshop where students applying to one of our REACH applications (high school or college). Students will be able to ask in-depth questions about the applications, as well as, get tips and tricks about what evaluators are looking for in a potential intern to make your application more competitive against other applicants.