Nice! Information Services is a good path for you.
With information services, you can immerse yourself in the exciting field of technology and STEM as early as 5th grade.
Health Information
Website Design/
Tech Support
Average salary for Information Services
how to get ready
middle school
With information services, you can immerse yourself in the exciting field of technology and STEM!
Clubs / Extracurricular Activities
Look into clubs that offer STEM opportunities with computer science fields such as coding or robotics.
Classes to take in Middle School
Look into what science elective options your school offers. Focus on classes centered around technology, computer science, and engineering.
Field Trips
Take field trips to explore all the different fields and opportunities in the world of STEM!
Enrichment / After-School Programs
Gain hands on experience with enrichment programs that helps grow your interest and build your skills!
Clubs / Extracurricular Activities
Look into clubs that offer STEM opportunities with computer science fields such as coding or robotics.
Classes to take in Middle School
Look into what science elective options your school offers. Focus on classes centered around technology, computer science, and engineering.
Field Trips
Take field trips to explore all the different fields and opportunities in the world of STEM!
Enrichment / After-School Programs
Gain hands on experience with enrichment programs that helps grow your interest and build your skills!
Questions to ask in Middle School
What kind of classes should I take in High School?
How can I explore my interest and curiosity in technology and math?
What skills can I develop that are useful for high school or career?
How should I determine a high school to attend?
how to get ready
high school
Use this time to learn the important tech skills needed to advance your future career in Information Services!
Challenges & Competitions
Sign up to participate in any real-world challenges or project-based learning experiences. Look into joining competitions that give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, passion, and ambition in science and STEM.
Classes to take in High School
Classes or majors such as Statistics, Psychology, AP Computer Science, and IT Problem Solving can strengthen the foundation for Information Sciences and prepare you for college.
Enrichment / Mentoring / Support Programs for high school to college transition
Grow your network and support resources through participation in mentoring, academic enrichment programs.
Clubs / Extracurricular Programs
Look into joining clubs or after-school enrichment programs that will provide you with valuable skills and expose you to the field of Information Services!
Challenges & Competitions
Sign up to participate in any real-world challenges or project-based learning experiences. Look into joining competitions that give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge, passion, and ambition in science and STEM.
Classes to take in High School
Classes or majors such as Statistics, Psychology, AP Computer Science, and IT Problem Solving can strengthen the foundation for Information Sciences and prepare you for college.
Enrichment / Mentoring / Support Programs for high school to college transition
Grow your network and support resources through participation in mentoring, academic enrichment programs.
Clubs / Extracurricular Programs
Look into joining clubs or after-school enrichment programs that will provide you with valuable skills and expose you to the field of Information Services!
Questions to ask in High School
What extracurriculars and classes make a competitive college application?
Who can help me build a professional network?
What are quality, affordable college options for my career interests?
How can I get dual credit while still in high school?
how to get ready
higher education
Focus on majoring in a STEM related field, partaking in internships, and getting certification in a computer science skill.

Majors and Courses
Focus on majoring in Information Technology Management, Web Development, Computer Programming, Cybersecurity, and Data Analysis.
Volunteer / Internships / Apprenticeship Opportunities
Look into internships at tech companies or at hospitals that advance your interest in STEM and Information Services!
Majors and Courses
Focus on majoring in Information Technology Management, Web Development, Computer Programming, Cybersecurity, and Data Analysis.
Volunteer / Internships / Apprenticeship Opportunities
Look into internships at tech companies or at hospitals that advance your interest in STEM and Information Services!
Questions to ask in Higher Education
Have I gained real-world, relevant job experience?
Who can help me build a professional network?
What opportunities at my school and outside of my school can I leverage to further myself in the field of Information Services?
How can I get certification or training in a field of computer science?
Want to know more about a career in Information Services?